
Jul 2024

⤴️ HDT: Hierarchical Document Transformer
Haoyu He, Markus Flicke, Jan Buchmann, Iryna Gurevych, Andreas Geiger (2024)
🔥 to appear in COLM-2024 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2024

Re3: A Holistic Framework and Dataset for Modeling Collaborative Document Revision
Qian Ruan, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2024)
🔥 to appear in ACL-2024 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2024

M2QA: A Multi-domain Multilingual Question Answering Benchmark Dataset
Leon Engländer, Hannah Sterz, Clifton Poth, Jonas Pfeiffer, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2024)
🔥 arXiv [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2024

Systematic Task Exploration with LLMs: A Study in Citation Text Generation
Furkan Şahinuç, Ilia Kuznetsov, Yufang Hou, Iryna Gurevych (2024)
🔥 to appear in ACL-2024 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jun 2024

⤴️ Missci: Reconstructing Fallacies in Misrepresented Science
Max Glockner, Yufang Hou, Preslav Nakov, Iryna Gurevych (2024)
🔥 to appear in ACL-2024 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

May 2024

What Can Natural Language Processing Do for Peer Review?
Ilia Kuznetsov, Osama Mohammed Afzal, Koen Dercksen, Nils Dycke, Alexander Goldberg, Tom Hope, Dirk Hovy, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Anne Lauscher, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Sheng Lu, Mausam, Margot Mieskes, Aurélie Névéol, Danish Pruthi, Lizhen Qu... [+8] (2024)
🔥 arXiv [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Apr 2024

Document Structure in Long Document Transformers
Jan Buchmann, Max Eichler, Jan-Micha Bodensohn, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2024)
EACL-2024 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Dec 2023

Overview of PragTag-2023: Low-Resource Multi-Domain Pragmatic Tagging of Peer Reviews
Nils Dycke, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Dec 2023

CiteBench: A benchmark for Scientific Citation Text Generation
Martin Funkquist, Ilia Kuznetsov, Yufang Hou, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
EMNLP-2023 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Dec 2023

⤴️ Exploring Jiu-Jitsu Argumentation for Writing Peer Review Rebuttals
Sukannya Purkayastha, Anne Lauscher, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
EMNLP-2023 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2023

CARE: Collaborative AI-Assisted Reading Environment
Dennis Zyska, Nils Dycke, Jan Buchmann, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
ACL-2023 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2023

NLPeer: A Unified Resource for the Computational Study of Peer Review
Nils Dycke, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
ACL-2023 [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2023

An Inclusive Notion of Text
Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2023)
ACL-2023 [paper]
[bibTex] [plain]

Oct 2022

Yes-Yes-Yes: Proactive Data Collection for ACL Rolling Review and Beyond
Nils Dycke, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2022)
Findings of EMNLP [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

Jul 2022

Revise and Resubmit: An Intertextual Model of Text-based Collaboration in Peer Review
Ilia Kuznetsov, Jan Buchmann, Max Eichler, Iryna Gurevych (2022)
Computational Linguistics, 48(4) [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]

May 2022

Assisting Decision Making in Scholarly Peer Review: A Preference Learning Perspective
Nils Dycke, Edwin Simpson, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych (2022)
arXiv [paper]
[bibTex] [plain]

Nov 2019

Does My Rebuttal Matter? Insights from a Major NLP Conference
Yang Gao, Steffen Eger, Ilia Kuznetsov, Iryna Gurevych, Yusuke Miyao (2019)
NAACL [paper] [repo]
[bibTex] [plain]